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package linkedlist

import "fmt"

// Doubly structure with just the Head Node
// We call it `Doubly` to make it easier to
// understand when calling this in peoples
// own local code to understand and experiment
// with this easily.
// For example, we can use gotools `go get` command to get
// this repository cloned inside the
// $GOPATH/src/ (you can do this
// manually as well) and use the import statement as follows:
// `import ""`
// and call linkedlist.Doubly to create a new doubly linked list.
type Doubly[T any] struct {
	Head *Node[T]

// Init initializes double linked list
func (ll *Doubly[T]) Init() *Doubly[T] {
	ll.Head = &Node[T]{}
	ll.Head.Next = ll.Head
	ll.Head.Prev = ll.Head

	return ll

func NewDoubly[T any]() *Doubly[T] {
	return new(Doubly[T]).Init()

// lazyInit lazily initializes a zero List value.
func (ll *Doubly[T]) lazyInit() {
	if ll.Head.Next == nil {

func (ll *Doubly[T]) insert(n, at *Node[T]) *Node[T] {
	n.Prev = at
	n.Next = at.Next
	n.Prev.Next = n
	n.Next.Prev = n

	return n

func (ll *Doubly[T]) insertValue(val T, at *Node[T]) *Node[T] {
	return ll.insert(NewNode(val), at)

// AddAtBeg Add a node to the beginning of the linkedlist
func (ll *Doubly[T]) AddAtBeg(val T) {
	ll.insertValue(val, ll.Head)

// AddAtEnd Add a node at the end of the linkedlist
func (ll *Doubly[T]) AddAtEnd(val T) {
	ll.insertValue(val, ll.Head.Prev)

func (ll *Doubly[T]) Remove(n *Node[T]) T {
	n.Prev.Next = n.Next
	n.Next.Prev = n.Prev
	n.Next = nil
	n.Prev = nil

	return n.Val

// DelAtBeg Delete the node at the beginning of the linkedlist
func (ll *Doubly[T]) DelAtBeg() (T, bool) {
	// no item
	if ll.Head.Next == nil {
		var r T
		return r, false

	n := ll.Head.Next
	val := n.Val
	return val, true

// DetAtEnd Delete a node at the end of the linkedlist
func (ll *Doubly[T]) DelAtEnd() (T, bool) {
	// no item
	if ll.Head.Prev == nil {
		var r T
		return r, false

	n := ll.Head.Prev
	val := n.Val
	return val, true

// Count Number of nodes in the linkedlist
func (ll *Doubly[T]) Count() int {
	var ctr int = 0

	if ll.Head.Next == nil {
		return 0

	for cur := ll.Head.Next; cur != ll.Head; cur = cur.Next {
		ctr += 1

	return ctr

// Reverse Reverse the order of the linkedlist
func (ll *Doubly[T]) Reverse() {
	var Prev, Next *Node[T]
	cur := ll.Head

	for cur != nil {
		Next = cur.Next
		cur.Next = Prev
		cur.Prev = Next
		Prev = cur
		cur = Next

	ll.Head = Prev

// Display display the linked list
func (ll *Doubly[T]) Display() {
	for cur := ll.Head.Next; cur != ll.Head; cur = cur.Next {
		fmt.Print(cur.Val, " ")


// DisplayReverse Display the linkedlist in reverse order
func (ll *Doubly[T]) DisplayReverse() {
	if ll.Head == nil {
	var cur *Node[T]
	for cur = ll.Head.Prev; cur != ll.Head; cur = cur.Prev {
		fmt.Print(cur.Val, " ")


func (ll *Doubly[T]) Front() *Node[T] {
	if ll.Count() == 0 {
		return nil

	return ll.Head.Next

func (ll *Doubly[T]) Back() *Node[T] {
	if ll.Count() == 0 {
		return nil

	return ll.Head.Prev

func (ll *Doubly[T]) MoveToBack(n *Node[T]) {
	if ll.Head.Prev == n {

	ll.move(n, ll.Head.Prev)

func (ll *Doubly[T]) move(n, at *Node[T]) {
	if n == at {

	n.Prev.Next = n.Next
	n.Next.Prev = n.Prev

	n.Prev = at
	n.Next = at.Next
	n.Prev.Next = n
	n.Next.Prev = n